How Do You Advertise Cryptocurrency?

How to Advertise Cryptocurrency

If talking about marketing, there are several strategies created by marketing managers’ on a regular basis to emphasize reaching the top level in any way they can, on social networks and gaining a substantial number of members in their chat communities. 

The goal is entirely exact if you want to set your motive or aim on the superficiality that the most purposeful thing is to elevate the number of followers to 50,000. However, don’t be surprised if your publications hardly have three likes and might have no comments.

Crypto Marketing: The Right Approach

If your project intends to deliver a real solution to people’s problems, you are required to be precise with your plan and go beyond creating ads. For instance, you can get ads created from facebook ad agency india and pay for the rest of the advertising services. In your strategy crypto marketing, you majorly need to overlook the number of followers and emphasize on the most crucial aspects that your project demands:

Here are some additional means to advertise your cryptocurrency to the masses as Google and others restrict cryptocurrency.

With the current restrictions on cryptocurrency ads joined with the upsurge in the popularity of ICOs, crypto companies need to be more creative to lead the competition. In addition, it influences a global audience with its reach outside the cryptocurrency industry.

If you have experience in the functionalities of crypto, wallet, ICO, or exchange ads, then you are well aware of the disappointment of getting display ad rejection emails repeatedly.

Based on the achievements as well as failures, you need to compile a list of leading advertising platforms that have been super active along with their advantages on cryptocurrency.

Microsoft Ads

The Microsoft Advertising, which earlier was Bing Ads, offers pay-per-click advertising on both Bing as well as Yahoo!, The two leading search engines after Google.

It might seem quite a surprise as Microsoft, like all the other major digital advertising platforms, has a strict cryptocurrency policy. But the agency has got quite a bit of success in getting cryptocurrency-related ads agreed upon.


  • Since Microsoft powers both yahoo! And Bing, as well as partner portals of its own, you can reach 33% of the overall search engine share. So if your ads are running properly, it can give a blockchain business the capacity to spread and reach well out there in the crypto industry.
  • Instant review and approval process. If you are working with cryptocurrency ads, tinkering along with the ad to watch what is going for the approval that needs a quick evaluation course. While platforms, for instance generally, Google can take numerous days to evaluate reviewed ads, Microsoft has a much faster turnaround.
  •  Furthermore, your dollar will go beyond because bids on Bing are significantly cheaper than on Google Ads.


Quora is one of the leading online communities for Questions and Answers and one of the finest-quality user-created content platforms. It offers a platform where people can ask queries and get solutions from some of the most reliable sources. 

With over 200 million exclusive regular visitors searching to get valuable information reliably, it gives a major opportunity to display your company’s proficiency through ads.


  • Quora is exclusive because it offers advertisers the capability to create credibility in the eyes of an audience while deepening the research. As a result, it helps construct authority as well as credibility on subjects, drive traffic through web advertising companies in India, and eventually lift conversions.
  • Quora is one of the leading platforms that permits advertising for cryptocurrencies and has a huge following of crypto supporters.


Reddit is a platform where you can catch the news, communicate with like-minded people about your favorite topics, pick up suggestions for your newest project, and market your business. 

Reddit is the 13th-most famous website in the United States, producing more than 1.5 billion visits yearly as of August 2018. famous as the de facto message board of the Internet,  ecommerce advertising agencies have developed in prominence and popularity in new years. 

Pointing selections mostly rotate around choosing related subreddits to show your content.


  • With hundreds of gears on changing topics, Reddit is simple to shift from side to side and discover the topics that are significant to your business. It is great for aiming at the cryptocurrency community; however, it is also beneficial in testing which other communities are accessible on the platform of the ads.
  • The Reddit community is one of the leading online platforms, with numerous of its users on the early end of the spectrum. You can generate a cult-like following for your cryptocurrency if you get the correct subreddit and marketing skills.


AdRoll is the world’s most active retargeting platform. When running main ad campaigns to examine and understand audiences interested in your blockchain technology, AdRolls has remarkably advanced the tracking software.


  • AdRoll is exceptional in progressive aiming techniques, for instance, customer geo-targeting, segmentation, and more. With the platform, you can aim or exclude website visitors based on their actions, form groups of users established on purchase intent, and set up progressive conversion tracking rules.
  •  Certainly the frontrunner when it is about to retarget platforms and get an average ROI of 1,000% based on an average of $10 for every single $1 spent.

SEO For Cryptocurrency

Search Engine Optimization is the prime long-term digital marketing strategy that has been established over time and time again. If you optimize your content, you could drive more traffic to your business over the period. 

Of course, quality SEO has long been foundational to businesses for a long-term digital marketing approach. Moreover, it is essential for elevating the growth of cryptocurrency businesses that want to be constantly relevant during the upsurge as well as the fall of cryptocurrency hype.

Black Hat Marketing 

Have you ever encountered a website of the new business’s landing on the leading page of Google’s search results almost after a week when it delivers its internet marketing efforts to a company? It happens when a business involves a “black hat” marketer.


It is beneficial in the marketing campaign of a business. Its tactics are based on developing as well as implementing approaches to achieve its goals.

  • Black Hat Marketing exploits the mistakes in search engines to reach reliable results in terms of digital outreach as well as reputation.
  • It aims at designing a website so that it can be more accessible on search engines and achieve a high rating on such search engines.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques are the most prominent, for instance, black hat marketing tactics.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a well-established space created with and through influencers to drive brand goals to your and their target audiences.

Influencer marketing is parallel to word-of-mouth marketing, but it doesn’t count only on detailed recommendations.

Influencers can come from a varied range of places. Any individual, brand, group, or place could potentially be an influencer.

Usually, engaged audiences track these content creators. Collaborating with them across diverse platforms of social media enables your business to grow, enhance brand awareness, and create new leads for your sales funnel with buyer personas.

You can use influencer marketing as either a separate tool or as a way to emphasize your other marketing campaigns.


  • Awareness and its reach
  • Build trust and credibility Enrich your content
  • Approach Win-win long-term
  • Partnerships Lift ROI, SEO, and
  • Bottom line Drive buying decisions
  • Boost sales Saves Time and cost-effective
  • Unlimited Sharing Potential On Social Platforms
  • Appropriate for any Business
  • Escalate brand

Main Cryptocurrency Advertising Platforms

The limit of cryptocurrency ads united with the elevated popularity of crypto has generated quite a few ad links dedicated to crypto ads. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Coinzilla
  • Cointraffic
  • TokenAd
  • Biggio


  • You will have no issue getting the approval of your cryptocurrency ad and running while using one of these stages.
  • Drives an extremely targeted audience of cryptocurrency to your site. These platforms work with the leading websites from the finance as well as cryptocurrency industries and, as a result, showcase your ads in front of vastly engaged target audiences interested in your product as well as your business.

To Sum Up

Cryptocurrency is a type of market packed with several projects; on the other hand, if you wish to highlight your cryptographic project, be reliable and regularly cherish the relationship with your clients. 

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