Google is adding new features and functionality in the merchant center tool so advertisers can promote their products in a better way. These new features started to reflect in some countries and advertisers began to take advantage of these new functionalities.
In this article, we will talk about the bestseller report features. How does it work and how you can use and take benefits from it.
The best seller report feature is extremely helpful for the advertisers to choose the right products and brands that are value investing and contain their offers. Although this feature is available in the four countries the UK, Germany, France, and the USA. Expected in the coming time this feature will be available for the rest of the countries too.
The best seller report – what is this feature?
In this feature, Google displays products and brands that are the most popular on Shopping ads. Google updates data weekly and shows on the top fashionable products so if these products are available to advertisers, they can take more advantage of the sales by increasing the budget and bid.
How Can You Take More Advantage From The New Best Seller Report?
Make right product inventory: By this valuable report, you can analyze and decide the most popular product for the users and the same product you can add in your Google feed and can start to run shopping ads for them. So it really helps to add the right product in your inventory that’s in high demand right now.
Proper use of Budget and bid: You can consume your budget for the right products and it will help your sale along with good ROAS.
Clear insight for Scale: When you recognize high demand products then you can scale with those products with consistently high ROAS.
What Does The New Google Merchant Center Report Look Like?
To review your best seller report follow these steps:
- Go to Google Merchant Center
- Navigate to the Growth tab
- Then you will be able to see best-sellers report
In bestsellers report, you can include data such as:
- position based on fame,
- photos,
- title,
- GTIN number,
- category,
- brand,
- brand inventory status,
- product inventory status,
- price range.
In the blow,snapshot for selected USA country and shoe product category. Google gives access to download this report by clicking the download button that’s in the top right corner.
Best Sellers Tool Report in Google Merchant Center,
Country: France
And Google product category: Animals & Pet Supplies
This report is worth analyzing bestsellers’ products and it is also helpful in planning your own sales strategy.
Keep in mind customer behavior isn’t too much different in most European countries. Therefore, begin to access the best sellers for the local market. We have been using this best-seller data report to generate the best results for our client.
If you need any help or suggestions feel free to contact us. If you want to grow your skills and want to generate high ROAS for e-commerce business then follow this complete shopping guide.